Back to School

Back to School: Happy Blended Families This time of year is always full of excitement for the kids, for divorced parents and step-parents, it can also bring with it the anxiety of certain conflict and the complexities of getting back into the school routines. Start the school year by sitting down with your child's teacher or school counselor before the school year starts to explain the family situation without your child present. Afterwards, plan the school year with your ex. Here are our top Back to School tips for divorced parents, which we hope will help with this transition in your family . Planning the school year: Plan the year from September to June. Starting from holidays, school breaks, weekends, etc. Then you have a basic overview of where everyone will be and when. Less confusion leads to less misunderstanding which leads to more clarity. This leads to happier people. Things may change as the year progresses but at least everyone has a ge...